Work Life Balance
One of the hardest things about running your own business is that you are responsible for everything. One of the hardest things about running a business and being a total control freak is not allowing anyone to help you. THIS IS ME!!!
In the last 2 and a half years I have pretty much been all consumed by things Sheep Shack Shop related. Whether it is sourcing new stock, sending out orders or even just updating the website with new stock most of my ‘downtime’ sees me on the laptop doing something shop related.
My aim for 2020 (and beyond) is to try and find a better work/life balance. I have long since neglected a love of mine which is Cross Stitching. I used to find this very relaxing and used to do it in the time I had spare (before starting the company). Increasingly I have come to realise it is important for me to take time for me – not easy when you have family, the day job (yes I work as well), general everyday chores – but it is something that is vital to maintain a sense of self as well and a degree of good mental health.
So why am I sharing? Well I did say I would update the blog more frequently…and this just happened to be on my mind.
I’d love to hear what you do to unwind – pop your comments below!
Much Love
Clare x
1 comment
Hi Clare,
I am not an affiliate of yours at the moment I was just having a browse of your site after being passed a link via a friend of mine who both myself and him are trying to find a company that’s going to be good after both having failed opportunities with companies.
I can honestly say I am impressed with we journey around the site so far.
Moving on to answering the question itself. Spare time doesn’t happen much in my household as between me and my partner we have 6 children… 2 from my previous relationship who I’ve had custody of now for 5 years, my partner had 3 previously (I plan on adopting 2); we then have one together who’s coming upto 1 in December.
When not running around after the squad, I’m catching up on the household chores, both myself and partner do Avon and I’m with a company called dusterella (new to this company following my last place closing).
I wish you all the best of luck although doesn’t seem that you need it as your doing amazing!
Maybe seen you soon as a rep.